Victoria University

Browsing School of Information Management · Te Kura Tiaki, Whakawhiti Kōrero by Subject "280100 Information Systems"

ResearchArchive/Manakin Repository

Browsing School of Information Management · Te Kura Tiaki, Whakawhiti Kōrero by Subject "280100 Information Systems"

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  • Smith, Alastair G. (Victoria University of Wellington, 2008)
    Google Scholar was used to generate citation counts to the web-based research output of New Zealand Universities. Total citations and hits from Google Scholar correlated with the research output as measured by the official ...
  • Smith, Alastair G. (Victoria University of Wellington, 2007)
    Weblogs ("blogs") have emerged as a significant communication medium. The BlogPulse Trend Search tool was used for a number of case studies, examining trends in the use of terms in blogs. The paper discusses methodology ...
  • Elgort, Irina; Toland, Janet; Smith, Alastair G. (Victoria University of Wellington, 2008)
    This study reports on students' and lecturers' perceptions of using wikis as a platform for conducting assessed group projects in two postgraduate Master's level university courses. The results highlight the fact that ...

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