My research examined how professional development impacts on teachers' use of an interactive whiteboard in New Zealand primary classrooms. The
research, in the form of a survey and qualitative case study, specifically
looked at the professional development experienced by teachers with an IWB
and contextual factors that enhance and constrain the introduction of an IWB
for teachers learning to use it in their class programme. It also explored how
an IWB is used in the classroom programme. Sociocultural theory provided
the theoretical framework to analyse the data.
The findings of the research showed that professional development featured
as both an enhancing and constraining factor. This was determined by the
content of the activity. Sustained professional development appeared to have
the most impact on teachers' IWB use. The data examined how and why
teachers like to use an IWB, and the impact of the unique and multi-media
features of the IWB had on teacher pedagogy and students.
Recommendations are made for effective professional development for IWB
users and areas for further research are discussed.