Massive MIMO is known for its high level of spectral efficiency in multipath rich environments. We present a detailed Massive MIMO cell system using maximum-ratio transmission (MRT) and zero-forcing (ZF) where energy efficiency is taken into account. This is done through the use of a realistic model of moderate performance and hence moderate cost power amplifiers (PAs) for the base station downlink, which could be applied in a practical Massive MIMO system. In the process of detailing the linear aspects of the Massive MIMO system, results for the normalisation factor and array gain are derived, which as far as the author is aware are original.
These results are used to derive an expression to optimise the downlink signal-to-interference-and-noise-ratio (SINR) in a linear system, which is also original as far as the author is aware. A process is outlined to optimise the downlink SINR when nonlinear PAs are used and a simulation of a cell system is performed where the benefits of applying the nonlinear optimisation process are demonstrated.