Victoria University

Using Socio-Cultural Approaches For Educational Research

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Show simple item record Brennan, Margaret
dc.contributor.other Podmore, Val 2009-04-27T22:40:43Z 2009-04-27T22:40:43Z 2006 2006
dc.description.abstract This paper discusses insights arising from my doctoral study in a New Zealand early childhood setting. I was interested in how young children learn to be part of the group. Using a socio-cultural framework, I carried out a qualitative case study to investigate the enculturation of young children into a group care setting. The field work comprised two phases of data collection over a total period of six months. The first phase involved observations of one child for two weeks in the centre and for a briefer time in his home. The second phase focused on children's and teachers' collective participation in cultural events and was carried out over four months. The particular event that I studied was shared mealtimes in the childcare centre. My observations also included teachers preparing children for meal and rest times. en_NZ
dc.language.iso en_NZ
dc.relation.ispartofseries Research and Policy Series No.5, 2006 en_NZ
dc.rights ©2006 Copyright is held by individual writers over their own work Publishing rights are held by the Institute for Early Childhood Studies en_NZ
dc.subject Observational study en_NZ
dc.subject Education research methodology en_NZ
dc.subject Social sciences study en_NZ
dc.subject Early childhood education en_NZ
dc.title Using Socio-Cultural Approaches For Educational Research en_NZ
dc.type Text en_NZ
vuwschema.contributor.unit Institute for Early Childhood Studies en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.marsden 330110 en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.marsden 330103 en_NZ
vuwschema.type.vuw Working or Occasional Paper en_NZ

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