Victoria University

Teacher Perceptions of Information and Communication Technologies in a Secondary School in Samoa

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dc.contributor.advisor Sanga, Kabini Afamasaga-Wright, Farita Tepora 2008-11-25T23:21:35Z 2008-11-25T23:21:35Z 2008 2008 2008
dc.description.abstract This study explored teacher perceptions of information and communication technologies in one secondary school in Samoa, in order to gain insight into recent government initiatives to introduce computers and other ICTs in schools. Phenomenology as an approach was deemed appropriate to the focus of this research in that it provided the framework for an in-depth exploration of how teachers view themselves within a particular event in the development of education in Samoa: the integration of ICTs in schools. Underpinning this study were assumptions about the nature of knowledge as being socially constructed as well as contextually situated. The research sought understanding of the phenomenon from the perspective of one group of participants. Data was gathered using lengthy semi-structured interviews in the Samoan language which were then translated into English for the purpose of data analysis. Significant findings include: lack of clarity amongst teachers regarding ICT in education policies, government rationale and strategies to achieve policy; teacher rationale for the introduction of ICT in schools included improvement of teaching and learning, student future employment and improved student access to technology. Teacher perceptions of ICT were mostly positive noting that its use contributed to higher levels of student interest, engagement, independent learning and motivation. As well, ICTs were mainly used to support teacher-centred pedagogies and contributed to the efficiency of teacher preparation. While teachers were keen to use ICTs in their classes, they were hindered by lack of ICT skills and insufficient pedagogical knowledge. Teachers perceived several obstacles to effective integration of ICTs in classrooms, which included: insufficient student and teacher access to computers; timetabling restrictions; a user pays system; maintenance and running costs; student plagiarism from the web and access to inappropriate sites as well as inadequate teacher professional development for the use of ICTs. ii en_NZ
dc.language.iso en_NZ
dc.publisher Victoria University of Wellington en_NZ
dc.subject Schools en_NZ
dc.subject Technology en_NZ
dc.subject ICT en_NZ
dc.title Teacher Perceptions of Information and Communication Technologies in a Secondary School in Samoa en_NZ
dc.type Text en_NZ
vuwschema.contributor.unit School of Education Studies en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.marsden 330000 Education en_NZ
vuwschema.type.vuw Awarded Research Masters Thesis en_NZ Education en_NZ Victoria University of Wellington en_NZ Master's en_NZ Master of Education en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.anzsrcfor 139999 Education not elsewhere classified en_NZ

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