The research was commissioned by State Services Commission and constitutes the first independent assessment of the Performance Improvement Framework (PIF). The project brief was to produce three key sets of information:
- Comparative research with similar interventions across international jurisdictions;
- An assessment of the value and impact derived from the PIF, and;
- Recommendations for the future development and application of the PIF.
The PIF is, on balance, a successful and credible performance improvement tool that has contributed to the development of organisational strategic thinking within organisations. The longevity of the PIF is potentially down to the stability of political support offered by successive governments (unlike, for example, in the UK). Adaptations and evolution of the PIF also contributes to its longevity. Attention needs to be paid, therefore, to continuing evolution; particularly succession planning for personnel such as lead reviewers who have a trusted position and very positive reputation. PIF is one of many review processes and therefore attention needs to be paid to situating PIF within these broader themes; and also to investigate ways in which they can enhance the overall ‘ecosystem’ rather than replicate or challenge or elements of it.