Victoria University

More Than Meets the Eye: Explicating the Essence of Gerontology Nursing

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dc.contributor.advisor Wilson, Christine Schumacher, Anne Therese 2007-05-11T03:57:36Z 2007-05-11T03:57:36Z 2001 2001
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to explore the essence of gerontology nursing. This project sought to look beyond the practical tasks and skills of gerontology nursing to reveal what is more than meets the eye and thereby explicate the essence of gerontological nursing practice. Gerontology nursing is troubled by its unpopular status and negative image that in turn has serious implications for the recruitment and retention of nurses who are both willing and able to work in this field of nursing. The purpose for doing this study was to unveil a deeper meaning and understanding of gerontology nursing, thus contributing to its value and worth as a speciality area of nursing. Conversations with four gerontology nurses were taped, transcribed and then analysed using van Manen’s (1990) approach to researching lived experience. From the analysis, four cardinal elements emerged: true acceptance, personal knowing, being present, and being alive. Those four cardinal elements were reworked and further analysed to reveal three central aspects or essences of gerontology nursing. These essences were the centrality of temporality, the interconnectedness of human relationships, and the significance of the lived body. Temporality is demonstrated by nursing application of objective, or clock time, as well as subjectively in regards to the lived time of the clients. Interconnectedness is the lived human relationship between nurse and client and is represented by commitment, presencing/giving of self, connecting, and knowing the client holistically. The third essence is corporeality, which is portrayed by the gerontology nurses’ distinguishing characteristics and their perception of the lived body of the nursed. The final analysis unveiled caring for the body, the act of seeing, and the joy of care as emergent essences of gerontology nursing. Language of nursing in relationship to ‘basic nursing care’ is critiqued for its potential to devalue gerontology nursing and, by association, old people. The significance of these findings is that there is more than meets the eye in gerontology nursing, however, it is not widely known. To balance the abundance of literature about the science of gerontology nursing practice more research needs to be focused on the art. Establishing and disseminating a clearer, complete picture of gerontology nursing would go toward not only changing its negative image, but may also address recruitment and retention issues. Furthermore, this study has highlighted the need to recruit nurses who possess the necessary personal attributes to ensure they ‘fit’ into gerontology nursing. en_NZ
dc.language.iso en_NZ
dc.publisher Victoria University of Wellington en_NZ
dc.subject Temporality en_NZ
dc.subject Relationality en_NZ
dc.subject Body en_NZ
dc.subject Phenomonology en_NZ
dc.subject Gerontology nursing en_NZ
dc.subject Essence en_NZ
dc.subject van Manen en_NZ
dc.subject Gerontology en_NZ
dc.subject Reflective practice en_NZ
dc.subject Practice development en_NZ
dc.subject Significance of the lived body en_NZ
dc.subject Hermeneutic phenomenological enquiry en_NZ
dc.subject van Manen's thematic analysis en_NZ
dc.subject Conversations en_NZ
dc.subject Unstructured open interviews en_NZ
dc.title More Than Meets the Eye: Explicating the Essence of Gerontology Nursing en_NZ
dc.type Text en_NZ
vuwschema.contributor.unit Graduate School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.marsden 321100 Nursing en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.marsden 321007 Geriatrics and Gerontology en_NZ
vuwschema.type.vuw Awarded Research Masters Thesis en_NZ Nursing en_NZ Victoria University of Wellington en_NZ Master's en_NZ Master of Arts en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.cinahl Life Experiences en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.cinahl Nurse-Patient Relations en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.cinahl Workforce en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.anzsrcfor 111099 Nursing not elsewhere classified en_NZ

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