Victoria University

Empty talk? University voices on the global financial crisis

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Show simple item record Bridgman, T. 2014-12-12T03:39:56Z 2014 en_NZ 2014-12-12T03:39:56Z 2010 2010
dc.description.abstract The global financial crisis (GFC) which began in 2007 with a liquidity squeeze in the US banking system and which continues to play out today has affected us all, whether through the collapse of the finance company sector, rising unemployment, falling housing prices or the recession which followed the initial market crash. The speed and scope of the crisis surprised most experts – policy makers included. Specialists from a myriad of disciplines, from economics and finance to risk management, corporate governance and property, are trying to make sense of what happened, why it happened and what it means for us now and into the future. Members of the public rely on the news media to keep them informed of the crisis as it unfolds and they rely on experts to translate these complex events into a language which they can understand. The GFC is educating us all, and it is important that we all learn from it to avoid making the same mistakes again. en_NZ
dc.language.iso en_NZ
dc.publisher Victoria University of Wellington en_NZ
dc.relation.ispartofseries Policy Quarterly, v. 6(4), 2010 en_NZ
dc.relation.uri en_NZ
dc.rights en_NZ
dc.subject Global financial crisis, Universities, Recession, News media en_NZ
dc.title Empty talk? University voices on the global financial crisis en_NZ
dc.type Text en_NZ
vuwschema.contributor.unit Victoria Management School en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.marsden 160510 Public Policy en_NZ
vuwschema.type.vuw Journal Contribution – Research Article en_NZ
dc.rights.rightsholder Institute for Governance and Policy Studies en_NZ

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