Victoria University

Community standards in New Zealand public libraries : an exploratory study

ResearchArchive/Manakin Repository

Show simple item record Sullivan, Max Thomas 2013-08-18T22:02:06Z 2013-08-18T22:02:06Z 2007 2007
dc.description.abstract Community standards have been discussed by many authors but none have attempted to investigate their application in public libraries. Public libraries aim to provide information that covers all viewpoints; such information is likely to contain views and opinions that are offensive to many members of the community. The problem of how public librarians define the standards of their communities was central to this research project. In order to investigate this problem a series of interviews were conducted and supported with library policy documents supplied by interviewees. A number of sub topics were also investigated, including how librarians deal with challenging items and whether librarians use any tools or resources to help define community standards. Analysis of interviews and policy documents found that librarians were not able to comprehensively define the standards of their communities. Librarians were divided over whether the demographic differences within their communities had any impact on the standards of their communities en_NZ
dc.language.iso en_NZ
dc.subject Public Libraries en_NZ
dc.subject Censorship en_NZ
dc.subject Community Standards en_NZ
dc.title Community standards in New Zealand public libraries : an exploratory study en_NZ
dc.type Text en_NZ
vuwschema.contributor.unit School of Information Management en_NZ
vuwschema.type.vuw Masters Research Paper or Project en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.anzsrcfor 080706 Librarianship en_NZ

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