Victoria University

Browsing School of Government · Te Kura Kāwanatanga: Institute for Governance and Policy Studies: Working Papers by Subject "010499 Statistics not elsewhere classified"

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Browsing School of Government · Te Kura Kāwanatanga: Institute for Governance and Policy Studies: Working Papers by Subject "010499 Statistics not elsewhere classified"

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  • Cook, Len; Gray, Alistair; Haslett, Steve; Lumley, Thomas; Mackie, Roger; Trewin, Dennis; Cope, Ian; Snively, Suzanne; Rosenberg, Bill; Karacaoglu, Girol; Yeabsley, John; Sutch, Hellen; Easton, Brian; Snorrason, Hallgrimur; Ljones, Olaf; Thygesen, Lars; Radermacher, Walter; Wilson, Nick; Holt, Tim; Pullinger, John; St John, Susan; Dunnett, Gary (2020)
    The prolonged existence of COVID-19 and the consequential actions to manage it both nationally, regionally and internationally will provide national statistical offices with the greatest challenges that they might ever ...
  • Cook, Len; Gray, Alistair; Haslett, Steve; Lumley, Thomas; Mackie, Roger; Trewin, Dennis; Cope, Ian; Snively, Suzanne; Rosenberg, Bill; Karacaoglu, Girol; Yeabsley, John; Sutch, Helen; Easton, Brian; Snorrason, Hallgrimur; Ljones, Olaf; Thygesen, Lars; Radermacher, Walter; Wilson, Nick; Holt, Tim; Pullinger, John; St John, Susan; Dunnett, Gary (2020)
    The prolonged existence of COVID-19 and the consequential actions to manage it both nationally, regionally and internationally will provide national statistical offices with the greatest challenges that they might ever ...

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