Victoria University

Library Services for the Future: engaging with our customers to determine wants and needs

ResearchArchive/Manakin Repository

Show simple item record Esson, Rachel Margaret Stevenson, Alison Gildea, Maureen Roberts, Sue 2012-05-15T23:31:19Z 2012-05-15T23:31:19Z 2012 2012
dc.description.abstract The future-focussed academic library “must be distinguished by the scope and quality of its service programs in the same way it has long been by the breadth and depth of its locally-held collections.” (Walker, 2011). To be successful the design and development of those services have to be shaped and informed by the customers. Services must also be under continual evaluation to measure impact on customers, assess customer satisfaction, and encourage the modification of service in response to evaluation. Like any other customer-centred organisation, the library has a variety of methods at its disposal to gather information from and about their customer, such as usage data, survey results, focus groups, and face to face opportunistic encounters. Few techniques provide the wealth of information gained from a conversation but provision and popularity of online resource access and self-service options mean that there are now reduced opportunities for face to face contact with customers. Furthermore as all the different parts of the university are expected to be accountable for funding by demonstrating their value students are repeatedly surveyed – as many as 10 times each year according to some estimates (August 2011, Chronicle of Higher Education) Survey fatigue means that both the quantity and quality of responses can be low. This paper examines the ways in which academic libraries can seek to understand the expectations of their customers, particularly those in minority groups, in order to be able to plan for the future. It does this firstly through a discussion of successful methods for engaging customers, both online and in person, in conversation with particular reference to new generation learners, and the need to demonstrate to participants that their opinions are heard and have an impact. Secondly the paper attempts to through two case studies of work undertaken at Victoria University of Wellington Library. In the first case the Library sought student participation and input to Te Rōpū Whakamanawa, a working group convened to address the needs of Māori and Pasifika academic staff and students. In the second case the Library undertook a larger process of gathering client and stakeholder feedback as part of a wider ranging “Library Services for the Future” review. The customer engagement was extensive and robust, including 32 focus group sessions with a diverse range of people, and additional online feedback channels for wider University engagement. en_NZ
dc.language.iso en_NZ
dc.publisher Victoria University of Wellington en_NZ
dc.relation.ispartofseries International Association of Technological University Libraries en_NZ
dc.relation.ispartofseries 2012 en_NZ
dc.relation.ispartofseries Nanyang Technological University, Singapore from 4-7 June 2012. en_NZ
dc.subject services en_NZ
dc.subject engagement en_NZ
dc.subject customers en_NZ
dc.title Library Services for the Future: engaging with our customers to determine wants and needs en_NZ
dc.type Text en_NZ
vuwschema.contributor.unit University Library en_NZ
vuwschema.type.vuw Conference Contribution – Other en_NZ

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