Victoria University

Consumption Taxes in Developing Countries – The Case of the Bangladesh VAT

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Show simple item record Smith, Andrew M C Islam, Ainul Moniruzzaman, M 2012-05-01T04:02:17Z 2012-05-01T04:02:17Z 2011 2011
dc.description.abstract In common with many developing countries, Bangladesh faces problems in raising sufficient tax revenues to fund its economic and social development. To address this problem and to improve economic efficiency and growth, a major tax reform program was initiated in 1991 which centred on the introduction of a valued-added tax (VAT) to replace a range of narrowly-based consumption taxes. This paper revisit the basic structure of VAT system of Bangladesh and attempt to analysis the contribution and performance of VAT in Bangladesh as comparing to other developing countries and also attempt to identify and provide some suggestions in possible area where attention and improved performance are required to enhance the contribution of VAT in economic development of Bangladesh. The relevant data shows that the performance of VAT was quite satisfactory in the initial years - but subsequently VAT collection has remained stagnant at a certain level. As a result, VAT is unable to meet the objectives for which it was introduced. The reasons behind this performance are many, such as: a relatively small number of VAT tax-payers, a general lack of awareness, and a weak monitoring system etc. There is still scope for improving the revenue collection from VAT: by increasing the number of VAT taxpayers; reforming the VAT administration; creating intensive awareness among the people, revisiting the list of VAT exempted items and increasing the efficiency of the monitoring system. en_NZ
dc.language.iso en_NZ
dc.publisher Victoria University of Wellington en_NZ
dc.relation.ispartofseries Working Paper en_NZ
dc.relation.ispartofseries No. 82 en_NZ
dc.subject Value added tax en_NZ
dc.subject direct tax en_NZ
dc.subject indirect tax en_NZ
dc.title Consumption Taxes in Developing Countries – The Case of the Bangladesh VAT en_NZ
dc.type Text en_NZ
vuwschema.contributor.unit Centre for Accounting, Governance and Taxation Research en_NZ
vuwschema.contributor.unit School of Accounting and Commercial Law en_NZ
vuwschema.type.vuw Working or Occasional Paper en_NZ

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