As an historic cultural phenomenon that has been practiced throughout the globe for
centuries, from ancient Greeks through to Vietnam veterans, the practise of pilgrimage
has undergone a renaissance in the last few decades. This revival has seen the
definition of pilgrimage re-examined and re-evaluated in terms that reflect the contemporary
positions of religion and spirituality in society. It is up to the individual
now to decide what they consider to be sacred and where they will find value and
meaningfulness (Reader, 2007). As one of the oldest forms of seeking meaning and
meaningfulness, pilgrimage is intimately connected with the human need and desire
to become "complete embodied and spiritual beings" (Pallasmaa, 2005). So too is architecture
concerned with our ability to find and occupy a meaningful existence. Yet the
relationship between architecture and pilgrimage hasn't yet been explored in a meaningful
By exploring the concept of pilgrimage, this research aims at demonstrating how
pilgrimage can be used to anchor meaning and meaningfulness in architecture. This
aim is investigated though the design of a hospice facility.
Architecture and pilgrimage are both concerned with humanity's search and desire
for meaning and meaningfulness; pilgrimage, as a metaphor for life and as the physical
act of journeying in order to find meaning; architecture and its ability to allow us
to have, be and create meaningful experiences within our everyday lives.