Drayton, Jennifer(Victoria University of Wellington, 2021)
This thesis encompasses a mixed methods enquiry into the language used in air traffic control in simulated emergency situations in the United Arab Emirates. The workplaces studied employ pilots and controllers from a diverse ...
Nguyen, Phuong Anh(Victoria University of Wellington, 2021)
Writing can be very challenging for ESL students since they need to overcome the changes associated with academic writing styles and their mechanics in order to improve their writing skills (Hyland & Hyland, 2006). In ...
Vola Ambinintsoa Razafindratsimba, Dominique(Victoria University of Wellington, 2020)
This research intends to bring insights into learner autonomy in a Malagasy EFL setting. Despite being a topic of research in language education for about four decades, learner autonomy is still almost unknown in countries ...
Tran, Diep(Victoria University of Wellington, 2020)
More than a decade ago, the Vietnamese Government announced an educational reform to enhance the quality of English language education in the country. An important aspect of this reform is the introduction of the localized ...
Thomson, Haidee(Victoria University of Wellington, 2020)
This three-part study was motivated by the need for empirically tested methods for teaching and learning multi-word expressions to develop fluency in language learning classrooms. Using an action research paradigm in an ...