This dissertation will show why Germany is overall on a better way to deliver secure and sustainable electricity to its population at the moment. Though, New Zealand had the better starting point, it missed important steps in the development. However, “of the industrial countries, Germany is leading with regard to new renewable energy sources, occupying one of the first ranks in terms of wind energy capacity and photovoltaics”. Its legislation on this area with the core the Renewable Sources Act is a role model for many countries. And Germany’s Integrated Energy and Climate Programme seems promising that Germany will continue to have innovative and exemplary measures on the renewable energy sector.
However, the history and development of New Zealand’s electricity market has shown that its government can correct wrong decisions and react fast and forcefully. The New Zealand Energy Strategy and the New Zealand Efficiency and Conservation Strategy have been first steps in the right direction. An important sign for New Zealand’s electricity industry would be the National Policy Statement for Renewable Electricity Generation.