Victoria University

The Maori Arts in Education: The Importance of Being : How Maori Arts Education Contributes Towards a Holistic Approach of Knowing Based on the Inter-relatedness of Understanding, Doing, and Being

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dc.contributor.advisor Phillips, Hazel
dc.contributor.advisor Savage, Catherine Hindle, Rawiri 2010-11-25T20:47:37Z 2010-11-25T20:47:37Z 2010 2010 2010
dc.description.abstract This thesis examines the impact of the Nga Toi professional development and implementation model on resource teachers of Maori and Maori advisors. It explores the inter-relatedness of understanding, doing and being in relation to professional development, and teaching and learning in general. With the intention of acknowledging that 'being' is an equally important component in arts education. This research is a qualitative investigation into the phenomenon of Nga Toi Professional Development and is embedded within a Kaupapa Maori paradigm. Eight participants were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using themes that arose out of the data itself. The data was categorised into the three areas of doing, being and understanding to allow for an analysis of what the respondents were saying in relation to the research question, 'How can Maori arts education contribute towards a holistic approach of knowing based on the inter-relatedness of understanding, doing, and being?' It is the interconnectedness of these three concepts that allow for a deeper knowing of things. This could be described as a knowing of the mind, body and soul and equates with terms such as realisation or 'in the zone' and enlightenment. The design of the Nga Toi professional development acknowledged and incorporated the allowance for 'being', as interpreted in this study, into the planning. This created some ambiguity in planning as some things emerged through the process and the learning was retrospective or came out of being reflective. Some of the structures, such as the dramaturgy processes assisted in creating an environment which in equal parts challenged yet supported participants to move into unknown spaces. Integrating 'being' as an integral part of arts education challenges current thought that everything has to be assessed and have an outcome. Being challenges this approach to learning as it is often the immeasurable quotient in a performance or action. Being in the arts evokes an emotional or even spiritual response; you know when it's there but can't predict what it will look like or the impact it will have. From the facilitators perspective success in the Nga Toi professional development was expressed through developing skills, understandings and being through experiential or practical workshops and following it up with the theory. A major intention of this study is to create a space and a dialogue for debate and discussion in regards to the inclusion of 'being' in arts education. en_NZ
dc.language.iso en_NZ
dc.publisher Victoria University of Wellington en_NZ
dc.subject Transformation en_NZ
dc.subject Immersion schools en_NZ
dc.subject Professional development en_NZ
dc.subject Teachers of Maori en_NZ
dc.title The Maori Arts in Education: The Importance of Being : How Maori Arts Education Contributes Towards a Holistic Approach of Knowing Based on the Inter-relatedness of Understanding, Doing, and Being en_NZ
dc.type Text en_NZ
vuwschema.contributor.unit School of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.marsden 420306 Maori Cultural Studies en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.marsden 330199 Education Studies not Elsewhere Classified en_NZ
vuwschema.type.vuw Awarded Research Masters Thesis en_NZ Education en_NZ Victoria University of Wellington en_NZ Master's en_NZ Master of Education en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.anzsrcfor 200207 Māori Cultural Studies en_NZ

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