Victoria University

Information Seeking Needs of Mothers Who Bottle-Feed Their Young Infants: How the Information Seeking Process Affects Them and What Libraries Can Do to Help Them

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dc.contributor.advisor Cullen, Rowena Smith, Shiobhan Alice 2010-06-09T01:49:47Z 2010-06-09T01:49:47Z 2010 2010 2010
dc.description.abstract Aim: The aim of the study is to examine the information seeking experiences of mothers who bottle feed young infants. What are their information needs and how do they seek to fill them? What emotional impact does the information seeking process have on this group? What role can Libraries play in helping this group find information? Methodology: This research utilises Dervin's sense-making methodology. At the heart of sensemaking is the situation-gap-outcome triangle. Kuhlthau's uncertainty principle is also used to help analyse the results and understand the connection between emotion and information seeking. Other research is also used to understand the experiences of the interviewees and place them in a wider context. Results: Mothers who bottle-feed young infants often feel guilt and anger. They are often unprepared for bottle-feeding, especially if they planned to breast-feed, and access to information on bottle-feeding is limited. Health professionals are sometimes reluctant to provide information on bottle-feeding. Informal information sources, such as family, friends and other mothers, are very important. There is little awareness that Libraries are able to provide information on bottle-feeding even among mothers who are frequent Library users. Libraries can best support bottle-feeding mothers by becoming inclusive community spaces for mothers to meet and share information. en_NZ
dc.language.iso en_NZ
dc.subject Information seeking en_NZ
dc.subject Bottle-feeding en_NZ
dc.subject Libraries en_NZ
dc.title Information Seeking Needs of Mothers Who Bottle-Feed Their Young Infants: How the Information Seeking Process Affects Them and What Libraries Can Do to Help Them en_NZ
dc.type Text en_NZ
vuwschema.contributor.unit School of Information Management en_NZ
vuwschema.subject.marsden 289999 Other information, computing and communication sciences en_NZ
vuwschema.type.vuw Masters Research Paper or Project en_NZ Library and Information Studies en_NZ Master of Library and Information Studies en_NZ

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