Image01: Appendix One - Waitangi Tribunal Map of Port Nicholson Block (2003) (p.272) Image02: Appendix Six - Map of the Waitangi Stream System developed by Gilmore and Mellish (2004) (p.277) Image03: Appendix Seven - Subsoil survey map of Central Wellington City (1936) (p. 279) Appendix Nine - Visual essay depicting survey plans, maps and photos depicting land reclamation activities and the rapidly changing landscape of the Te Aro area (1839-1903) Image04: Sketch Plan/s showing the original sections (incuding Te Aro area) sold by ballot in London, July 29th, 1839 (p.283) Image05: Map of Lambton Harbour (Port Nicholson) From HMS Acheron, 1849 (p.285) Image06: Panorama of Port Nicholson 1841, Part 1, Native Pad [sic] to Watt and Tyser's (p. 287)